About us
The Expanding Malawi HIV/AIDS Prevention with Local Organizations Working for an Effective Epidemic Response (EMPOWER) – DREAMS Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Services, is a five-year (5th March 2020 to 4th March 2025) USAID-funded project implemented by a consortium of FHI 360 (lead) and two local organizations, Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) and Pakachere Institute for Health and Development Communication (Pakachere).
The Activity is designed to achieve sustainable impact by systematically transferring capacity to GOM, specifically the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare and Ministry of Youth, Sports and culture, as well as to Local Partners (LP) to assume responsibility for managing the HIV response.

What we do?
Our Goal
The goal of EMPOWER Activity is to support the Government of Malawi (GoM)’s commitment to epidemic control by stopping HIV transmission and preventing new HIV infections among Adolescent Girls and Young Women, 10–24 years of age in the two DREAMS operational districts of Zomba and Machinga.
Project Objective
Objective 1
DREAMS AGYW Services — Increased uptake of Integrated Health Services targeting AGYW.
Intermediate Result areas
Increased availability of and access to high quality, integrated SRH/HIV services for AGYW
Increased utilization of integrated SRH/HIV services by AGYW
Improved access and adherence to PrEP by AGYW who meet national criteria for PrEP
Maintain a shared database to track layering of services for DREAMS beneficiaries
Strengthened linkage and referrals for AGYW to and from DREAMS services implemented by other partners
Who we are
Consortium of Partners

Family Health International (FHI 360)
Lead Organisation

Pakachere Institute for Health and Development
Local Implementing Partner

Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM)
Local Implementing Partner
Leadership Team

Richard Luhanga
Senior Technical Advisor (MEL)

Kumbukani Chawinga
Senior HIV Testing Advisor

Maria Mkandawire
Technical Director DREAMS/AGYW

Ruth Kundecha
Senior Technical Officer-SRH/HIV

Leo Magombo
Senior Program Officer Capacity Strengthening and Program Management
Contact us
Dr Boniface Maket, Chief of Party, USAID EMPOWER Project
Mulima House, Blue Gum Avenue
P.O. Box 521, Zomba, Malawi
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