Our Achievements

IR1: Increased availability of and access to high-quality, integrated SRH/HIV services for AGYW

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AGYW reached with HIV and SRH Services
50000 +
STI Treatment
AGYW screened for STI during mobile outreach clinics. 650+ referred for treatment
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Condoms Distributed to AGYW in DREAMS clubs across outreach clinics in Zomba & Machinga
30000 +
Family planning and birth control
Family Planning Commodities Distributed to AGYW DREAMS Club
0 +

IR3: Improved access and adherence to PrEP by AGYW who meet national criteria

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YCBDAs trained on PrEP messaging and demand creation to disseminate information at club and community level
DREAMS AGYW who have received PrEP services
HIV Self Test
HIV-Self test kits distributed to AGYW in DREAM Clubs

IR5: Strengthen linkages and referrals for AGYW to other DREAMS services implemented by other partners

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AGYW in DREAMS clubs referred for different clinical and social services in Machinga and Zomba districts
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AGYW Received Post-GBV clinical and non clinical services
YCBDAs, Crisis Response Teams and Health Care Workers trained to provide first-line support to AGYW disclosing experience of GBV
Risk assessment
AGYW tested following a risk assessment in the clubs.
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