Capacity Strengthening
FHI 360’s approach to Capacity Strengthening under EMPOWER is aligned with PEPFAR’s Local Partner Targets and reflects lessons learned through implementing Capacity Strengthening programs globally as well as in Malawi.
Malawi EMPOWER’s 5-year transition plan emphasizes Capacity Strengthening, co-creation and co-management in Years 1–2 and increasing transfer of implementation and management responsibility in Years 3–5. All Capacity Strengthening interventions ensures Local Partners have the capabilities and resources for good performance as USAID prime partners.
For a Local Implementing Partner to qualify for a direct transitional award, the organization must demonstrate sufficient capacity, particularly in terms of financial management, in order to receive direct funding from USAID. FHI 360 understands that organizations are dynamic, and that change is not linear over time. Actual transition timelines and milestones will vary for each Local Partner; will be responsive to their performance under Malawi EMPOWER Activity.
To foster local ownership and longer-term sustainability, EMPOWER adopted a blended management approach that promotes learning by ensuring Local Implementing Partners work jointly with FHI 360 technical and organizational counterparts. FHI 360 uses its signature Program and Technical Quality Assessment (PTQA) to assess and support technical performance, facilitate self-assessments to identify critical gaps in organizational systems focused on performance improvement and work together to analyze the root causes of prioritized organizational and technical gaps to develop a tailored Institutional Improvement Plan (IIP) towards implementing technically sound, high-quality services and “prime readiness”.
FHI 360 within EMPOWER facilitate:
- Local implementing Partners Financial Pre-Award Assessment (PAT)
- Technical and Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) using OCA with NUPAS.
- Sub-Award monitoring plans
- LIPs Sub-Award Monitoring Visits
- Lips’ capacity Strengthening sessions
- LIP’s monthly program review meetings
- Total Quality Leadership and Accountability- Situation room meetings
- Malawi EMPOWER Technical review meetings
- District-based Multi-disciplinary Teams (MDTs)
- Identification of DHO Malawi EMPOWER focal persons.
- Routine Data Quality Assessments (RDQA)